Dr Christoph Weigel (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin) Epsilon-proteobacteria: parABS and FtsK/KOPS a contribution from bioinformatics; 17.06.2014, godz. 12.00- 13.00; sala seminaryjna (0.30) w Kompleksie Edukacyjno-Badawczym Biotechnologii
Bacteria employ a veritable chamber orchestra of different protein factors to segregate, decatenate, and de-dimerize their replicating chromosomes and partition them faithfully to the growing sister cells prior to division. The members of this chamber orchestra are virtually unknown in the epsilon-proteobacteria as is their contribution to the concert. A reason sufficient to address two putative members with bioinformatic tools: the parABS system functions early after initiation of DNA replication by segregating the replicating sister chromosomes while the FtsK/KOPS system has its role in the final chromosome partitioning steps prior to division.