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Webinar: Study a BSc in Biotechnology at the University of Wroclaw, Poland

The University of Wrocław provides a comprehensive programme of education in „Biotechnology”. This branch of science demands a broad knowledge of a number of areas including Biochemistry, Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology, Microbiology, and Proteomics.

The programme focuses on broadening your knowledge and understanding of the current experimental techniques required for employment in the pharmaceutical & biotechnological industry, as well as various types of laboratories (analytical, research or industrial).

The University of Wroclaw BSc studies in Biotechnology offers:

  • a comprehensive exploration of basic, applied and laboratory sciences, with an industry focus
  • solid grounding in biochemistry, chemistry, molecular biology, genetics, microbiology,proteomics
  • advanced ability to use various experimental techniques required for employment in the biotech industry, as well as various types of laboratories (analytical, research or industrial)
  • professional skills to conduct independent or collaborative research practice
  • three years long bachelors program (6 semesters, 1915 hours of lectures and laboratory practices, 180 ECTS)
  • purpose-built, modern educational research facilities, state-of-the-art equippement
  • 14 different laboratories, experienced, creative and friendly faculty staff

During this webinar you will learn:

  • Content of the programs
  • Application procedures
  • Student life and study environment in Wroclaw
  • What next after completing the course? Future perspectives.

Please log in and join as at: http://www.thestudyabroadportal.com/university-wroclaw/study-a-bsc-in-biotechnology-at-the-university-of-wroclaw-poland?w2palt=1
