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Seminarium wydziałowe 12.03.2024.

12.03.2024., godzina 10.00, sala 1.03.

Zapraszamy na gościnne seminarium wydziałowe, które zaprezentuje – w języku angielskim – dr Michał Bogdan z Instytutu Chemii Fizycznej PAN w Warszawie:

„Microfluidics: from fundamental physics to applications in biology and medicine”.

Microfluidics is an applied science drawing from the toolkit of physics and chemistry to control and manipulate flows of microliter volumes of fluids. Within the last decades, it has found numerous applications in areas such as the design of chemical reactors, medical diagnostics, tissue engineering and others. The talk will present a subjective review of both the established and recent methods of microfluidics and their applications in biological and medical research, with an emphasis on the methods available at the speaker’s institute.
