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Seminarium wydziałowe 10.10.2023.

10.10.2023., godzina 10.00, sala 1.03.

Zapraszamy wszystkich pracowników i studentów na pierwsze w tym roku akademickim seminarium wydziałowe, które zaprezentuje Prof. Harekrushna Sahoo (National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India), goszczący w Zakładzie Cytobiochemii.

Wystąpienie będzie w języku angielskim: „Crowding Environment: An impact on Protein-Lipid interaction”.

Nota biograficzna:
Harekrushna Sahoo is currently an Associate Professor at the National Institute of Technology Rourkela (NIT Rourkela), India. He completed his doctoral studies in Biophysical Chemistry, focusing on peptide conformation and dynamics using fluorescence spectroscopy, from International University Bremen (currently: Constructor University, Bremen), Germany in 2006. In 2012, he joined the Department of Chemistry at NIT Rourkela as an Assistant Professor. Prior to the Assistant Professorship, as a postdoctoral researcher, he spent three years (2007-2009) at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Massachusetts (USA) and was involved in protein kinetics and dynamics; two years (2010-2011) at Technical University Dresden (Germany) on membrane dynamics; and a six month tenure (2012) as a guest scientist at Max-Bergmann Center (Dresden, Germany). He received multiple international research fellowship: NAWA (Poland, 2022), DAAD (Germany, 2021) and ICMR-DHR (Germany, 2022) for higher and advanced research. Dr. Sahoo’s research group focuses on protein kinetics, dynamics and conformation as a function of its environmental stress along with the protein structure-function correlation using different types of experimental techniques.

More information: www.bpcnitrkl.in
