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Diploma theses


Approval of thesis title


Depending on the planned form of the exam one needs to send one of the following applications:


Directive No 2/2018 of the Dean of the Faculty of Biotechnology of 8 March 2018 on the introduction of the Procedure of awarding degrees, verifying diploma theses in the anti-plagiarism system, archiving diploma theses in the Archive of Diploma Theses (APD) and forwarding the theses
to the National Repository of Written Diploma Theses (ORPPD) file to download

Instruction for registering diploma theses in the Archive of Diploma Theses by Students  file to download

Submission of diploma thesis defense

The rules of performing studies to obtain a diploma outside the Faculty  file to download

Dissertation title page in order : 1) In Polish. 2) in English

Dissertation title page – POL

Dissertation title page – EN


Diploma defense – required documents

At least four WORKING days before the date of defense Students are obliged to submit to the Dean’s office the following documents:

  1. One copy of diploma dissertation printed from the APD system after its approval by the supervisor – limp binding in CLARET COLOR, double–sided printing, font size – 12, spacing between lines no larger than 1.5, abstract in English (dissertation submitted in the Dean’s office cannot contain foil, metal or any plastic elements)

WARNING!!! Dissertation must be approved by the supervisor on the first page!

  1. Statement of copyright – Oświadczenie o prawach autorskich(Polish and English version, printed on both sides, permanently attached to the thesis) file to download (English version), file to download (Polish version)
  2. Consent of the holder of information protected by law, including professional secrecy contained in the thesis, to render the diploma thesis available in the National Repository of Written Diploma Theses (fill in and signed by supervisor, only Polish version). file to download
  3. Additional information to the supplement  file to download
  4. Four actual black-and-white photographs 4.5 × 6.5 cm without headgear and dark-lined glasses, made on a white or other light-colored background.

Prior to submitting to the Dean’s office a complete set of diploma examination-related documents, a fee of 60 PLN must be paid on the individual student’s account which can be found in the USOS system.

We inform that according to the Resolution No. 26/2015 of the Senate of the University of Wroclaw, March 25, 2015 with the approval of the dean or director (head) of an academic unit the student may submit a thesis in a foreign language. A thesis written in a foreign language must include a title page, a title and an abstract in Polish.

We inform that according to the Decree No. 59/2017 of the Rector of the University of Wroclaw, May 17, 2017 the application to issue a copy of the diploma in English should appear within 30 days from the date of diploma examination. One photo in accordance with the above–mentioned requirements should be also provided. Diploma in English – Request

Charge for English version of the diploma is 40 PLN (paid to an individual student’s account found in the USOS system). On the day of submitting the “diploma thesis” document, please make an initial declaration if you want to obtain a copy of diploma in English !!!

Student is obliged to deliver to the Dean’s office an electronic version of the diploma dissertation on CD in a thin paper envelope, on which diploma dissertation should be stored both in TXT format in UTF8 encoding and in PDF

Diploma examination


Terms of defense of the diploma thesis in the academic year 2020/2021 :

JUNE: 29

JULY:  7,13,15

SEPTEMBER: 2,7,9,13,28