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About Faculty


Building of Faculty of Biotechnology

The Faculty of Biotechnology was founded in 2006 based on a decision of the senate of the University of Wrocław by a separation of the Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, as well as several research teams of the Institute of Genetics and Microbiology, from the Faculty of Life Sciences.

The Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology has its roots in the Department of Biochemistry founded in 1959 at the Faculty of Life Sciences.

The Faculty is localized in a new building at 14a Joliot-Curie Street in Wrocław.

The Faculty is composed of 13 departments and 2 laboratories. It employs about 100 people, including 56 researchers. The Faculty is headed by dr hab. Dorota Nowak (Dean), in collaboration with prof. dr hab. Ewa Marcinkowska (Vice-Dean) and dr hab. Jerzy Gubernator (Vice-Dean for Students Affairs).

The Faculty has the right to confer the following academic degrees: doctor and doctor habilitated in the disciplines of biochemistry and biotechnology.

The Faculty employees conduct the research in the field of biotechnology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, microbiology, immunology, virology, cell biology or plants physiology. We cooperate with a wide range of scientific centers in Poland and abroad, and moreover, in recent years, with companies of the biotechnology industry.

In 2013, the Faculty received the prestigious category A + granted by the Committee for Evaluation of Scientific Units. This is the highest  possible rating in the current parametric evaluation of research institutions and only two biological faculties in Poland were awarded this score, accompanied by statutory research grants and opportunities to apply for EU funds.

The Faculty is a member of the consortium Wrocław Centre for Biotechnology, which interdisciplinary nature enables comprehensive and broad spectrum of scientific research performance and implementation. Close cooperation of the consortium partners provides a synergistic action, efficient use of the results of basic research in new technologies development and knowledge transfer to industry. The consortium received the status KNOW (Leading National Research Center) for the years 2014–2018.

The Faculty is the seat of the editorial staff of Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters (CMBL).

The Faculty offers a three-stage system of degrees: Bachelor’s (3 years), master’s (2 years) and doctoral (4 years). We also provide Bachelor’s and doctoral level programs in English-language. Currently, the faculty has about 500 students.

According to the website, the Faculty occupies the first position among the Polish universities offering studies in biotechnology.

We enable the students to participate in research projects in the Faculty, and in foreign internships and practices. The faculty offers students the chance to get involved in activities of the Students’ Scientific Association of Biotechnologists – “Przybysz”.

Overall, our graduates are well prepared to pursue careers in research, clinical and industrial laboratories.

The Faculty tradition is to organize the lectures and classes during the Festival of Science. The educational offer of the Faculty also includes a series of lectures and experimental activities designed for the students of junior high schools and high schools.