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MSc Studies

Project „Zintegrowany Program Rozwoju Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego 2018-2022” co-financed from the European Union funds under the European Social Fund

Admission 2024/25

Master’s programme in Medical Biotechnology

Master’s programme in Medical Biotechnology since 2023/2024

At MSc studies in Medical Biotechnology you will:

  • acquire comprehensive knowledge in the area of medical biotechnology; 
  • achieve competence in conducting independent research project; 
  • learn how to analyse and describe the research results; 
  • become proficient in using scientific literature and bioinformatics tools in your professional work; 
  • become prepared to discuss scientific issues; 
  • learn  how to arrange individual and teamwork in the laboratory. 

Second-cycle studies in Medical Biotechnology at the Faculty of Biotechnology enable students to develop skills in conducting scientific projects and solving problems arising in experimental work. These skills are mastered by conducting individual master’s thesis projects coordinated by the Faculty’s research and teaching staff. The second-cycle program reflects the specificity and high quality of scientific research of the Faculty’s 15 research groups. The graduates are fully equipped with knowledge to pursue a career in research institutes, as well as in medical and pharmaceutical industry sectors. 

The program lasts 2 years (4 semesters). Students have full access to modern, well-equipped laboratories. To obtain a master’s degree, students must write and defend a master’s thesis based on an individual 3-semester research project. 

The course starts if the minimum number of 10 students will enrol. 

List of entrance requirements and more info you will find here.

Descriptions of courses and modules (Syllabi)