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Leading National Research Center


Leading National Research Center

The consortium Wrocław Center for Biotechnology received Leading National Research Center status (Krajowy Naukowy Ośrodek Wiodący, KNOW) for the years 2014–2018. This means a great prestige in the world of science and a lot of money for development.

On 14 May 2014, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education concluded the contest for granting of KNOW prestigious status in the fields of Biological Sciences, Agricultural Sciences and Earth Sciences. The awards were granted to 4 research centers in Poland, including the consortium Wrocław Centre for Biotechnology. The Consortium is composed of 8 Wrocław universities, among which the leader is the Department of Biotechnology, University of Wrocław.

The members of the Wrocław Center for Biotechnology:

Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Wrocław
Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wrocław
Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław University of Technology
Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences in Wrocław
Faculty of Biology and Animal Science, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Science
Faculty of  Veterinary Medicine,  Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Science
Faculty of Food Science and Technology,  Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Science
Research and Development Center,  Regional Specialized Hospital in Wrocław

Wrocław Center for Biotechnology is so far the largest consortium which has been given the KNOW status.

The interdisciplinary nature of the consortium enables comprehensive and wide spectrum of scientific research performance and implementation (“from idea to industry”). The involvement of all consortium representatives allows carrying out complex scientific research in the range of biotechnology, chemistry, immunology and biomedicine, medicine and veterinary as well as food and nutrition sciences.

Close cooperation of the consortium partners provides a synergistic action, efficient use of the results of basic research in new technologies development and knowledge transfer to industry.

Within the Wrocław Centre for Biotechnology, it will be possible to conduct diploma theses related to the subject implemented within the framework of KNOW under the supervision of scientific employees of other entities, as well as participation in internships abroad and international students and PhD students exchange. This will allow increasing the attractiveness and level of education. Particular emphasis will be placed on conducting classes for PhD students in English.

The greatest achievements of science and business environment creating the Wrocław Centre for Biotechnology include:

Discovery of proline-rich peptides from ovine colostrum (this preparation under trade name Colostrinin® has found its application in Alzheimer’s disease progress inhibition) – prof. dr hab. Antoni Polanowski and prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Wilusz;
• Creation of NUTRIBIOMED  Cluster at Wrocław Technology Park, including high technologies in food processing and biotechnological processes, nutraceuticals, biomedical preparations;
Ovocura project managed by prof. dr. hab. Tadeusz Trziszka, aimed at creation of new generation egg raw material, as well as elaboration of the technology of biologically active substances obtaining for nutraceutical and biomedical applications in prevention and therapy of civilization diseases;
• Obtaining of a new drug against osteoporosis and examination of its usefulness in preclinical studies within the research funded by the EIT+.

KNOW status achieving will enable the Wrocław Center for Biotechnology:

  • Research on molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis;
  • Research on molecular markers of selected diseases;
  • Construction of new diagnostic systems;
  • Designing, synthesis and preliminary biological research on potential drugs;
  • Application of renewable substrates of microbiological, plant and animal origin in production of biopreparations aimed at prevention of civilization diseases;
  • Construction of transport forms of drugs;
  • Monitoring of food production chain;
  • Screening, preclinical and clinical research.