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Faculty seminar 23.10.2018.

23.10.2018., 9:15 am., room 1.03.
“Interaction of MPP1 with membrane lipids with respect to the regulation of lateral membrane organization”.
Mgr Mohamed Elderdfi, Department of Cytobiochemistry.

Proposed model of the molecular mechanism of the association of MPP1 with the plasma membrane. A. The model depicts the localization of MPP1 with cholesterol-rich membrane nano-domains (red regions). B. A proposed kinetic membrane-trapping model for the mechanism of MPP1-raft association. MPP1 is shown in the cholesterol-rich raft-like domains (membrane rafts, yellow region) as a result of an additional interaction(s) of MPP1 with another membrane proteins, i. e. flotillins, and also via facilitating ordering of surrounding lipid bilayer which, in turn, mediate the association of MPP1 with the detergent-resistant membrane fractions and the formation of membrane raft domains.

Presentation will be in English.