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Faculty seminar 23.01.2018.

23.01.2018., 9:15 am., room 1.03.
“Effect of yolk egg derived lecithin on blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rat”.
PhD Dorian Nowacki, Department of Cellular Molecular Biology.
Presentation will be in Polish.

Schematic representation of blood pressure telemetry used in the following experiment. The measurements were taken by implanted transmitter, which was implanted directly to the abdominal aorta. The data were transferred wirelessly (AM wave) from a transmitter to a receiver (Rat Pressure & Activity Receiver - ODBIORNIK), located under the cage and then measurements from receiver were then transferred to a computer through Data Exchange Matrix.

Schematic representation of blood pressure telemetry used in the following experiment. The measurements were taken by implanted transmitter, which was implanted directly to the abdominal aorta. The data were transferred wirelessly (AM wave) from a transmitter to a receiver (Rat Pressure & Activity Receiver – ODBIORNIK), located under the cage and then measurements from receiver were then transferred to a computer through Data Exchange Matrix.