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Faculty seminar 20.06.2017.

20.06.2017, 9:15 am., room 1.03.

“Cancer immunotherapy: how low-level ionizing radiation can play a key role.”
prof. dr hab. Marek K. Janiak (Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Warsaw).

Anticipated mechanisms of the LLR-induced restoration of anti-neoplastic function of the immune system within tumors.

Anticipated mechanisms of the LLR-induced restoration of anti-neoplastic function of the immune system within tumors.

Low-level (≤100 mGy for acute irradiation) whole-body exposures to ionizing radiation (LLR) inhibit the development of neoplasms in humans and laboratory animals mostly by stimulating anti-cancer immune responses.  The presentation will review immunosuppressive mechanisms induced by growing tumors as well as immunomodulatory effects of LLR exposures associated with cancer-inhibiting outcomes of such exposures. It also offers suggestions how LLR may restore and/or stimulate effective anti-tumor immunity during the more advanced stages of carcinogenesis. We postulate that, based on epidemiological, experimental and clinical data amassed over the last few decades, whole- or half-body irradiations with LLR should be systematically examined for its potential to be a viable immunotherapeutic treatment option for patients with systemic cancers.