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Department of Protein Engineering

Selected publications

  1. Kim, M.H, Cierpicki, T., Derewenda, U., Krowarsch, D., Feng, Y., Devedjiev, Y., Dauter, Y., Walsh, C.A., Otlewski, J., Bushweller, J.H. & Derewenda, Z.S. (2003) DCX-Domain Tandems of Doublecortin and Doublecortin-like Kinase: Implications for Microtubule Regulation. Nature Struct. Biol. 10, 324-333.
  2. Zakrzewska, M., Krowarsch, D., Wiedlocha, A., Olsnes, S. Otlewski, J. (2005) Highly Stable Mutants of Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-1 Exhibit Prolonged Biological Action. J. Mol. Biol. 352, 860-875.
  3. Zakrzewska M., Krowarsch D., Więdłocha A., Olsnes S., Otlewski J. Structural requirements of FGF-1 for receptor binding and translocation into cells Biochemistry, 2006, 45, 15338-15348
  4. Pasternak O., Bujasz G.D., Fujimoto Y., Hashimoto Y., Jeleń F., Otlewski J., Sikorski M.M., Jaskólski M. Crystal structure of Vigna radiata cytokin-specific binding protein in complex with zeatin Plant Cell, 2006, 18, 2622-2634
  5. Mateja A., Cierpicki T., Paduch M., Derewenda Z.S., Otlewski J. The dimerization mechanism of Lis1 and its implication for proteins containing the LisH motif J. Mol. Biol., 2006, 357, 621-631
  6. Białas A., Trembecka J., Krowarsch D., Otlewski J., Potempa J., Mucha A. Exploring the Sn Binding Pockets in Gingipains by Newly Developed Inhibitors: Structure-based Design, Chemistry and Activity J. Med. Chem., 2006, 46, 1744-1753
  7. Oleksy A., Opaliński Ł., Derewenda U., Derewenda Z.S., Otlewski J. The molecular basis of RhoA specificity in the guanine nucleotide exchange factor PDZ-RhoGEF J. Biol. Chem., 2006, 281, 32891-32897
  8. Kiędzierska A., Śmietana K., Czepczyńska H., Otlewski J. Structural similarities and functional diversity of eukaryotic discoidin-like domains Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 2007, 1774, 1069-78
  9. Paduch M., Biernat M., Stefanowicz P., Derewenda Z.S., Szewczuk Z., Otlewski J. Bivalent peptides as models for multimeric targets of PDZ domains ChemBioChem, 2007, 8, 443-452
  10. Jeleń F., Lachowicz P., Apostoluk W., Mateja A., Derewenda Z.S., Otlewski J. Dissecting the thermodynamics of GAP-RhoA interactions J Struct. Biol., 2009, 165, 10-8