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Faculty seminar 15.03.2022.

15.03.2022., 10:00 am., room 1.03.

“Accelerating genome analysis with specialized hardware”, mgr Krystian Bacławski, Division of Software Engineering, Institute of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Sequence alignment algorithms are widely employed in bioinformatics. Though many improvements were made in the area of human genome assembly (from millions of short reads), it still takes tens of hours to solve the problem for modern computers. Can we speed up these computations by using specialized computing units? I’ll try to answer this question by referring to the “Accelerating Genome Analysis with FPGAs, GPUs, and New Execution Paradigms” seminar conducted at ETH Zurich.

Presentation will be in Polish.

Accelerating Genome Analysis: A Primer on an Ongoing Journey, Alser, 2020.