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Collection for Ukraine

The war in Ukraine is still going on, even though it is not talked about so much anymore.  The biggest problem for people in this country right now is the lack of water, electricity, medicine and food. For this reason, we would like to once again organise a collection before Christmas to help people in the Kherson and Mykolaiv area survive the winter. The collection will run from 1 to 16 December, in the main hall of the Faculty of Biotechnology.

The needs are as follows:

– canned food and long-term food,

– thermal underwear,

– sleeping bags, blankets,

– painkillers and antipyretic drugs,

– first-aid kits (bandages, plasters, hydrogen peroxide),

– candles, hand warmers, torches, batteries,

– basic cosmetics (soap, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.),

– warm clothing for adults (jumpers, hats, scarves),

– possibly Christmas sweets for the children.

Thank you in advance for your commitment.