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Department of Bioinformatics and Genomics


Department Home Page

pamacDepartment Head

  • prof. dr hab. Paweł Mackiewicz
    • Member of the Polish Genetic Society (since 2001)
    • Member of the Polish Bioinformatics Society (since 2007)
    • Member of the Consortium Research Center Fauna of the Pleistocene Europe (since 2012)
    • Member of the Nematology Diagnostic and Training Centre, Laboratory of Molecular Techniques (since 2010)

Staff Members

PhD Students

(phone +48 71375 7063, room 1.18)

Research Topics

  • Recognition of protein coding sequences
  • Overlapping genes and generation of new coding sequences
  • Analysis of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genome structure
  • Computer simulation and modeling of genes, chromosomes, genomes and populations evolution
  • Role of intragenomic recombination frequency and inbreeding in sympatric speciation
  • Analyses of reasons of higher genetic defect frequency after in vitro fertilization
  • Molecular phylogeny and evolution of various genes and proteins, including ancient DNA
  • Endosymbiosis and evolution of primary and complex plastids


Participation in research programs

  • European Science Foundation – COST Action P10 – Physics of Risk – Participant and Management Committee Member
  • European Science Foundation – COST Action MP0801 – Physics of Competition and Conflicts – Participant and Management Committee Member
  • FP6 Program: NEST – General Integration of the Applications of Complexity in Science (GIACS) – Participant