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Faculty seminar 20.04.2021.

20.04.2021., 10:00 am., MS Teams

Mgr Jakub Sławski

Potential supervisor: dr hab. Joanna Grzyb
Department of Biophysics

“Energy and electron transfer in bionanohybrid systems in an example of quantum dots and cytochrome c”.

Presentation will be in Polish.

Possible routes of energy and electron transfer in the systems of quantum dots (QD510 and QD750) and metal-substituted cytochrome c derivatives.


20.04.2021., 10:20 am., MS Teams

Mgr Józef Ba Tran

Potential supervisor: prof. dr hab. Artur Krężel
Department of Chemical Biology

“Bioinformatic, structural and functional analysis of interprotein Zn(II) ion binding sites”.

Presentation will be in Polish.

– Selection of intermolecular metal ion binding sites from the RCSB PDB database
– Construction of the InterMetalDB database
– Structural analysis of the hook domain of the human Rad50 protein