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Faculty seminar 13.02.2018.

13.02.2018., 9:15 am., room 1.03.
“Functional analysis of the small heat shock protein Hsp67Bc in Drosophila melanogaster“.
PhD Jadwiga Jabłońska, Nuclear Proteins Group.

Presentation will be in Polish.

Ultrastructure of aggregates containing GFP-Hsp67BcR126N in body wall muscle of 3rd instar larvae. Agreggates with amorphic content (encircled with yellow dashed line), glicogen granules (yellow asterisk) scale bar 1µm; corner: agreggate morphology, confocal microscopy, autofluorescence.

Ultrastructure of aggregates containing GFP-Hsp67BcR126N in body wall muscle of 3rd instar larvae. Agreggates with amorphic content (encircled with yellow dashed line), glicogen granules (yellow asterisk) scale bar 1µm; corner: agreggate morphology, confocal microscopy, autofluorescence.