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The USOS – University Study-Orientated System is a student management information system most commonly used in Polish universities. It may be referred to as “virtual Dean’s office”, to which students and academics have access. The system has been designed to cut down on the bureaucracy and shorten queues at Dean’s Offices by making some services online.

Through the USOSweb, you can, e.g.:

  • register for all classes listed for your study curriculum (USOS registration is being opened at the beginning of each semester, so sign up only for classes from a given semester);
  • check your final grades;
  • check your fee payment status, as you have access to the history of your payments and scholarships;
  • send an e-mail with USOSmail (it is not possible to check your mailbox, USOSmail is dedicated only for sending e-mails)
  • evaluate your teachers and classes.

You will also be able to use other Web applications in the USOS system. Amongst others you will have access to:

  • APD (Archive of Diploma Theses) which will assist you in the process prior to the diploma exam.
  • Ankieter (Survey) that allows you to fill out online surveys on a variety of topics for students, graduates and staff. By completing the survey you can express your opinions on a number of topics and at the same time have influence over decisions made at the Faculty and/or at the University.
  • USOSul (Token registration) where you will be able to sign up for classes in physical education and foreign languages.

To log in to your USOS for the first time you have to use your student number (written on student ID) and restore the password.


Should you have any troubles using your university official mailbox, contact the University Study-Orientated Systems Section (pol. Dział Informatycznych Systemów Obsługi Studiów, DISOS):
or contact the Faculty USOS administrator: Maria Skuza (

Your University e-mail

Upon enrollment, a university e-mail account is automatically created for each student in the form of

This e-mail address remains with the student throughout her/his academic career at University of Wroclaw.

The same password as for USOS is used for your university official mailbox.

In order to log in to your mailbox, go to:


USOS and your university mailbox are crucial during your studies, so it is essential for you to learn to use them as soon as possible.

The format of UWr employees’ e-mail addresses is as follows:

We, employees and students, are obliged by the Rector to use only university mailboxes for communication. That is why, don’t be surprised while you will not get any reply to your e-mail sent to a teacher or Dean’s Office staff from a private mailbox.

Faculty of Biotechnology utilizes e-mail as one of the official means of communication with students to keep them informed of important information.

The University has the right to send official communication to students by e-mail with the assumption that students will receive, read and, if necessary, act in a timely manner based upon these e-mails.

Students are expected to check their email on a frequent and consistent basis. Students must make sure that there is sufficient space in their accounts to allow for an e-mail to be delivered and have the responsibility to recognize that certain e-mails may be time sensitive.

Email Etiquette

Email is generally considered less formal than a letter, but it does not mean that you can be over-familiar or use slang when you’re writing to lecturers, instructors or Dean’s Office staff. You must remain respectful and professional at all times, even in this more informal medium.

  1. Always use your official university email address.
  2. Put your recipient’s email address in the “To” field. If there is someone else you think should see the email for their information, put their email in the “CC” (Carbon Copy) field. Do not use it unless there is a real need for this person to see the communication.
  3. Avoid marking the email as “important” or using “urgent” word in subject line unless justified. Marking something as important/urgent when it is not will only annoy the recipient, who has many other demands on his/her time.
  4. Lead with a clear subject line – write something descriptive, that summarises what the e-mail is about. If you are writing to a lecturer/instructor, consider including course name.
  5. Use a formal salutation – it is best to address your recipient by his or her title, such as Dear Professor, Dear Doctor or Dear Ms./Mr.
  6. Be clear, polite, and succinct in the main e-mail body.
  7. Sign off your e-mail – if you have started your email in the formal style then it makes sense to finish it in this way (Yours sincerely). You also have a few different options for how you could sign off. These common conventions include: Best wishes, Kind regards, Best regards, All the best, Thank you, Thank you in advance.
  8. Identifying yourself – staff and professors are often keeping track of hundreds of students, state who you are. Include not only your full name, but also major and year.
  9. Before sending an e-mail, make sure that it meets following criteria:
    • it is written in complete, coherent sentences,
    • there are no spelling errors.