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Grading scale and European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)

Grading scale:

grade Polish full term and abbreviation definition ECTS grade
5.0 bardzo dobry (bdb) excellent – outstanding performance with only minor errors A
4.5 plus dobry (+db) very good – above the average standard but with some errors B
4.0 dobry (db) good – generally sound work with a number of notable errors C
3.5 plus dostateczny (+dst) satisfactory – fair but with significant shortcomings D
3.0 dostateczny (dst) sufficient – performance meets the minimum criteria E
2.0 niedostateczny (ndst) fail – some more work required before the credit can be awarded FX, F

European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS):
ECTS is a credit system designed to make it easier for students to move between different countries. Since they are based on the learning achievement and workload of a course, students can transfer their ECTS credits from one university to another so they are added up to contribute to an individual’s degree programme or training.

Upon completing a course you are awarded ECTS-credit points.

A student who has completed the course obtains the number of ECTS points assigned to that course. The extent to which learning outcomes have been achieved has no effect on the number of ECTS obtained, but it does affect the grade obtained.

For more information visit the website.

The basis for granting credits for a semester is earning ECTS points planned in a semester plan of studies. The Faculty Board may decide on reducing the minimum conditions for receiving credits for a semester, including the minimum allowable ECTS deficit:

The Faculty Board of Biotechnology notice to Study Regulations:

The Faculty Board decides that allowable deficit of ECTS points in a given grading period cannot exceed 15, and the total ECTS deficit cannot exceed 20.

A student whose ECTS deficit exceeds 15 in a given grading period (semester) or exceeds 20 in total, is not allowed to continue studying. He/she is obliged to make up the deficit at the nearest possible time, so during following semester(s). The only new classes he/she may take during retake semester are language and sport ones.

A second failure to pass an exam or to get credits for a class may result in crossing out from a students’ list due to the lack of progress in learning.

Students whose ECTS deficit does not exceed 15 in a given grading period and does not exceed 20 in total are obliged to apply for conditional permission to continue studying.

Application templates are available.

A fee shall be paid for repeating classes.

The amount of the fee is 5 euros for class hour. The sum of fees for repeating classes in a given grading period may not exceed the tuition fee for this period.

Detailed rules and requirements for conditional permission to continue studying, reactivation and resumption are described in the Resolution No. 49/2021.