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Becoming a student of the University of Wroclaw

University of Wroclaw maintains the traditional academic rituals of passage: matriculation and graduation ceremonies. In a matriculation ceremony, held in the presence of the Rector and the Dean candidates are admitted to studies at the University of Wroclaw and acquire student status.

Matriculation Ceremony is held in Polish, that is why international students are provided with the ceremony scenario and summary in English.

The attendance is mandatory and the dress code for the ceremony is formal.

Taking the oath is the first and the most important act in the proceedings. Students solemnly pledge to fulfil the requirements of academic study, to honour their moral obligation toward the University, and to respect its internal regulations and the decisions of academic officials.

Matriculation oath:
Joining the academic community of the University of Wroclaw, I solemnly vow:
To gain the knowledge and skills,
To act in a manner consistent with all provisions of law, tradition and practice good academic customs,
To uphold the honor of the University of Wroclaw and dignity of the student.

Due to COVID-19 pandemic constraints, the Traditional Matriculation Ceremony for all first-year Biotechnology Students has been suspended in the 2020/21 and 2021/22 academic years. (Students take the oath online. The oath is also to be read during an organizational meeting in the presence of the Dean or Vice-Dean for Teaching).

Following matriculation (or organizational meeting) a student:

  • receives a student ID card;
  • receives a liability card (a hard copy document for recording student’s obligations, eg. library; it is necessary to keep the liability card, even if not used, till the end of your studies. It must be returned after graduation);
  • signs university-student contract;
  • receives referral for medical confirmation of no objections for studying experimental sciences (only those who lacks such confirmation). You may find the list of medical centres here.