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Why Faculty of Biotechnology?

Research and teaching at the Faculty of Biotechnology is the perfect combination of the following features:


  • Although the Faculty was established as a separate unit of UWr in 2006, its origins date back to 1959, when the Department of Biochemistry was set up.
  • The Faculty of Biotechnology derives its scientific tradition from the “Lviv School of Biochemistry”. Professor Wanda Mejbaum-Katzenellenbogen, the first head of the Biochemistry Department, was a student of one of the most outstanding European biochemists in the times preceding the outbreak of World War II – Jakub Parnas.
  • In the academic year of 1986/87, the University of Wrocław opened its biotechnology study programme as the first in Poland.


  • The Faculty of Biotechnology is one of the “youngest” and best faculties of the University of Wroclaw.
  • Thanks to the high quality of research, the Faculty of Biotechnology University of Wrocław belongs to an exclusive group of 10 best Polish Research Universities. Each of the universities participating in the Research University programme indicated its Priority Research Areas (PRA). These are the areas of research in which scientists from the University of Wrocław have already achieved the highest quality of research at the international level. The Faculty of Biotechnology is responsible for one of such PRAs: Health  from gene analysis to drug design: molecular basis of diseases, new therapeutic strategies (therapies used in the treatment of cancer, diabetes, rare genetic diseases, diseases with an infectious and immunological background), new drugs and mechanisms of action of drugs and drug carriers, new directions in medical diagnostics.
  • The scientific achievements of the Faculty staff were appreciated by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (now Ministry of Education and Science) with the award of A+ scientific category twice (for the years 2013-2016 and 2017-2021).
  • The Faculty of Biotechnology was the leader of the Wrocław Biotechnology Center with the KNOW status Leading National Research Center (2014-2018).
  • Academics of the Faculty very effectively apply for research grants. The Faculty of Biotechnology always takes top leading positions among grant recipients of the National Science Center in the area of Life Sciences. At the moment, ca. 70 projects are in progress.
  • The Faculty has top-class laboratory equipment, including a unique superresolution imaging system – there are only 160 such microscopes in the world.
  • The Faculty is the seat of the editorial staff of an international journal Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters.
  • The Faculty of Biotechnology is always top ranked among biotechnology majors in Poland (3rd place for 2021).
  • Easy personal contact with academic teachers – statistically, there is one member of the academic faculty for every nine.
  • Best students are given opportunities to actively participate in research projects conducted at the Faculty.
  • The Faculty of Biotechnology is one of the very few biotechnology departments in Poland, which did not give up face-to-face laboratory classes during winter semester of 2019/20.


  • Our scientists cooperate with research centers in Poland and abroad, as well as with many biotechnology companies. UWr biotechnology is appreciated in Europe and in the world.
  • First-cycle programme in English (BSc Biotechnology) was opened in the academic year of 2014/2015. Since 2019/20, our international graduates have had the opportunity to continue their education at the MSc Medical Biotechnology.
  • The English-language education offer of the Faculty of Biotechnology was recognized as a significant achievement in the field of teaching and awarded by the Minister of Science and Higher Education (Feb, 2020).
  • Thanks to the full-time programmes in English, exchange students (including Erasmus+) very readily choose our Faculty as the receiving institution. The guarantee that all courses from the English-language offer will be delivered is crucial for their decisions.
  • Our students are given opportunities to participate in exchange programmesand international internships.


  • Since 2013 the Faculty has been located in a modern, very well-equipped building in the Grunwaldzki Campus, which is well connected with other academic units and the whole city.