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Required documents

 The documents that should be submitted by the candidate – foreigner
(in accordance with the Statement No. 25/2015 of the Rector of University of Wrocław)

Candidates for the 1st and 2nd cycle studies who are the foreigners, referred to in Art. 43 paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Act of 27 July 2005 – Law on Higher Education, who are holders of secondary school leaving certificate, diploma or other document issued abroad entitling them to apply for admission to the studies, who have received the Final Acceptance Letter are obliged to provide originals or notarial authorized copies of the following documents:

  1. Secondary school leaving certificate, diploma (for candidates to 2nd cycle studies), legalized by the Polish Consulate or provided with apostille, or another document authorizing to apply for admission to the studies;
  2. Translation of the above documents into Polish or English, made by a sworn translator;
  3. Translation of the documents which are subject to the process of nostrification into Polish, if applicable;
  4. Certificate from the Board of Education about the equivalence of foreign secondary school leaving certificate with the relevant Polish maturity certificate (concerns only the candidates for 1st cycle studies) – in the absence of such a document, the candidate shall submit a written commitment to deliver it no later than the end of the first semester of the studies;
  5. Complete personal questionnaire;
  6. Certificate confirming knowledge of English language on a required level;
  7. Photocopy of the insurance policy in case of illness or accident (NNW) for a period of education in Poland, or the European Health Insurance Card, or a photocopy of the contract with the National Health Fund (NFZ);
  8. Photocopy of passport or other document confirming the identity of the candidate to study;
  9. Photocopy of a document authorizing the stay in Poland;
  10. Medical certificate confirming the absence of contraindications to undertake education in a chosen field and form of education;
  11. Photograph in accordance with the requirements specified in § 2 pt. 6 of the Statement of the Rector, if applicable.
    Requirements concerning the photograph:

    1. The photograph should be in color, resolution 400×500 pixels, JPG format.
    2. The photograph of a person without hat and dark glasses, head in the left half-profile position, with exposed left ear, maintaining uniform illumination of the face. The background of the photograph should be smooth and not bright, and the head contour should be clearly visible. The shadow of the photographed person or other disrupting details in the background is unacceptable.
    3. Electronic photograph should be identical to the photographs delivered to the university together with the other documents.

All documents together with the originals available for inspection should be submitted to the Office of International Cooperation in order to certify their compliance with the original immediately after student’s arrival, but not later than two weeks from the date of arrival at the university.