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Sport activities

Sport classes (physical education, PE) are  obligatory for all undergraduate (BSc) students.
PE classes are organised by the University Sports Centre (pol. Uniwersyteckie Centrum Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu, UCWFiS). The Centre is located mainly at Przesmyckiego 10 St. There are over 30 types of classes to choose from and most of the classes are free of charge.

Class schedules can be checked at USOSweb, and you can enrol using the Token registration.

Rules for enroling in regular PE classes

Advanced PE classes (sport sections)

The students holding doctor’s notes exempting them from physical exercises (a medical certificate form – as the annex to ORDINANCE No. 147/2021) complete the PE course in the form of theoretical classes.

University Centre for Physical Education and Sport
Przesmyckiego 10 St.
Room B
Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9 AM – 2 PM
Phone: +48 71  375 6262

Enrollment for physical education classes will take place on:

8 AM Oct. 1 – 10 PM Oct. 5

Additional enrollment:

8 AM Oct. 20 – 10 PM Oct. 24

For more information and rules, please visit the website.